September 14, 2024


"Knowledge is Power"

Groups (part 3)

In the first two parts I spoke of survival groups and why part of one, the ABC’s of survival group and deciding to join or build one.  This week join me in talking about things to consider in leadership and what your roles and the roles of others may be.

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In any group, there are going to be those who set the expectations and those who follow them.  Other things will arise and knowing the means by which any group determines the way the group runs and how decisions are made will be an important part of your decision to build or join one.  Also having a clearly defined expect for the roles of those in the group will alleviate confusion.

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This week in defining these roles we will address some of the many skills a group might need their members to have or learn.  Through training, meetings and planning getting the group in a position to maintain itself.  Addressing these things early on or knowing the expects is integral to choosing or building the best group.

Knowing the needs of the group and listing some of the needed skills, addressing;

  • Security, OPSEC, Communications and the vetting process.
  • Food production, gathering and preservation
  • Medical needs
  • Energies and water
  • And group accounting and accountability

Up next week: Bringing it all together

DJ Cooper
DJ Cooper

Author of the Apocalypse with books like these and many others to help others learn about the threats we could face in emergencies while offering ideas of how we can circumvent issues on our own. Follow her for upcoming releases and more articles.